Eleanor’s Legacy Endorses Dia Carabajal for the New York State Assembly

June 26, 2020

(Auburn, NY) Eleanor’s Legacy announced its endorsement of Dia Carabajal for the New York State Assembly. Founded in 2001 and inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt, the organization, recruits, trains, and funds pro-choice Democratic women candidates for state and local office across the Empire State. 

“The wave of New York women stepping up to run and lead keeps on rolling,” said Brette McSweeney, president of Eleanor’s Legacy. “At a time when voters are looking for leaders with integrity and commitment to their communities, who we elect to lead our villages, towns, cities, and counties matters more than ever. As Mrs. Roosevelt said, “It’s up to the women.”

“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of Eleanor’s Legacy and what that endorsement represents. I am proud to be part of a generation of women leaders and I look forward to encouraging future generations of women to lead,” said Dia Carabajal, candidate for the 126th District of the New York State Assembly. Eleanor’s Legacy had previously endorsed Carabajal in 2015 for the Auburn City Council and again in 2019 for her re-election bid.

Dia Carabajal is the Democratic Candidate for the New York State Assembly in the 126th District. She is also on the Working Families line. Carabajal is a lifelong educator who has served on both the Auburn School Board and Auburn City Council.  For media inquiries email: Cathy Tripiciano, cathy@mapleseedcreative.com 



NYSUT Endorses Dia Carabajal for the New York State Assembly