NYSUT Endorses Dia Carabajal for the New York State Assembly
July 22, 2020
(Auburn, NY) The New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) announced its endorsement of Dia Carabajal for the New York State Assembly by the union’s national affiliates, the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association. NYSUT is a statewide union with more than 600,000 members in education, human services and health care. NYSUT is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association and the AFL-CIO.
“This endorsement from my peers is very meaningful. I began my political career as a member of the Auburn Enlarged City School District Board of Education. In Albany I will be a voice for educators, administrators, parents and students in the 126th,” said Dia Carabajal, candidate for the 126th District of the New York State Assembly.
“As a college educator and NYSUT member, we know Dia will be a champion of public educators and those they serve in Albany and are proud to support her candidacy,” NYSUT President Andy Pallotta said. “Our K-12 schools, colleges and hospitals provide essential services for millions of New Yorkers, and we look forward to working with Dia at the Capitol to ensure we have high-quality public education and health care systems.”
Dia Carabajal is the Democratic Candidate for the New York State Assembly in the 126th District. She is also on the Working Families line. Carabajal is a lifelong educator who has served on both the Auburn Enlarged City School District Board of Education and the Auburn City Council. For media inquiries email Cathy Tripiciano, cathy@mapleseedcreative.com